Trả lời các câu hỏi :
1.In a darkroom and you have one match left, which do you light first, the newspaper, the candle or the lamp?
2.Which word is the odd one out: First- Second- Third- Forth- Fifth- Sixth- Seventh- Eighth?
3.If a peacock can lay one egg on day 1, and lay two eggs on day 2; Logically how many eggs do you think the peacock can lay on day 3?
1. I will light the match first.
2. Forth
3. I think the peacock can lay 0 eggs. (Because it is a male peafowl, which has very long tail feathers that have eye markings and that can be erected and expanded in display a fan.)
P/s: I had copy the meaning of the word "peacock" from the "Google Translate"